MMC Art Department sets the stage for the award of the Order "Against the animal seriousness" 2017

The MMC Art Department is again this year at the Stage and decoration construction for the Festival session of the Aachener Karnevalsverein (AKV) with the Award of the Order "Against the animal seriousness". in use at the Eurogress in Aachen. The first shows the award of the 67th Order "Against Animal Seriousness on Monday, February 13, 2017, at 8:15 p.m..

The highlight of the event is, as every year, the awarding of the order "Wider den tierischen Ernst". Since 1950, the AKV has presented this award to personalities who distinguish themselves through humor and humanity in office.

This year it goes with order knight Gregor Gysi, Laudator Markus Söder and the Christian Lindner appearing as a singer particularly foolishly on the celebration meeting of the AKV.

Other highlights of the session include the appearance of FDP federal chairman and former knight of the order Christian Lindner, who self-ironically performs his own version of the Milva hit "Hurra, wir leben noch" ("Hurray, we're still alive"), and appearances by WDR journalist Bettina Böttinger as Queen Elizabeth, who looks on with majestic detachment at political events in Germany, Europe and overseas.

In addition to AKV President Werner Pfeil, presenter and ARD Tagesschau anchorman Jens Riewa will once again lead the festive session in the Aachen Eurogress.

Other big names from day-to-day politics will be guests: Elmar Brok and Gertrud Höhler. The presenters also welcome prominent speakers and guests on stage such as Bernd Stelter, singer Wencke Myhre, comedians such as Ingo Appelt, a regular guest in Aachen for years, Abdelkarim and Hastenrath's Will. Markus Maria Profitlich will be on stage again in 2017 as "Kaiser Karl".

The colorful festive gala of the order "Wider den tierischen Ernst" is supported by Aachen local celebrities such as the 4 Amigos, Et Zweijestirn, the children in the Bütt Lena and Niklas and many more.

The program is a WDR production. It is directed by Susanne Goldberg and edited by Carsten Wiese. Already since 2009 the Art Department of MMC Studios is involved in the stage and decoration construction at the AKV's medal ceremonies.

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Photo: Gregor Gysi is the bearer of the order "Wider den tierischen Ernst 2017". © WDR/dpa/Ina Fassbender

